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How To Earn Money From Tiktok

How To Earn Money From Tiktok

The digital world can be a source of our current income. Including via the short video platform Tiktok.

Tiktok itself is reportedly testing new tools for creators to earn income from user tips. This was reported by a creator named Jera Bean last October.
There are a number of conditions to get income, for example, you must have at least 100 thousand followers. And meet the age criteria and agree to the terms of the feature.

The Verge reports creators can apply for the tool. It's not clear, however, whether everyone who makes a request will be approved by Tiktok.

This tip consists of several options namely US$5, US$10 and US$15. Users can also enter other amounts with a minimum of US$1.
However, there are other ways to get revenue from Tiktok. According to The Sun's page, the requirements are to be at least 18 years old and have 10,000 followers.

If you meet these requirements, here are some tips to earn money from Tiktok:

1. Influencer Marketing
Companies need influencers to upload videos about their products as part of their promotions. It is expected to encourage the product to be sold in large quantities.

If users have a lot of popularity on Tiktok, the more income they will also earn as influencers.

2. Sponsored Content Posts
Another way is to sign a sponsorship agreement with a company, with the aim of promoting the product on your Tiktok account.

3. Brand Merchandise
Users can also promote personal merchandise on Tiktok to earn money there.

4. Post Another Career
Tiktok can also be a place for artists to emerge. On the platform, you can upload works for fields such as music, art, or acting.

Baby Ariel is one such example. He has appeared frequently in Disney Channel and Nickeledeon productions. On Tiktok he has more than 20 million followers.

5. Become a Tiktok Consultant
Consulting services can also be a new job. Because many people and companies are not familiar with the new social media.

If you are familiar with Tiktok, you can teach people how the platform works and then earn money from there.