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Whether or not you’ll be offered a car insurance policy will depend on your individual circumstances. This can include your age, safety record, credit history and the way you’ve managed your insurance policies previously.

Insurance is all about risk, and the less of a risk you are considered to be, the lower the cost of your car insurance will be, and the more likely you are to be accepted by a provider.

Car insurance is a legal essential for all drivers here in the UK. At a minimum, all road users must have at least third-party car cover in place before getting behind the wheel. Even those learning to drive on a provisional licence must have insurance.

If you’re wondering ‘will I be accepted for car insurance?’, you’ll find a wealth of questions answered in the sections below. From how a suspension from driving or a poor credit rating can impact your application, to the rights of insurance providers to refuse your request for a policy, everything you need to know is right here. You can get a car insurance quote using our insurance comparison engine which features over 50 leading brokers in the UK.

Can I get car insurance if my policy was cancelled?

For a variety of reasons, your car insurance provider may choose to cancel your policy. You may have fallen behind on your payments, failed to disclose information important to your policy, or even committed fraud – either by mistake or purposely.

If you choose to spread the cost of your insurance over a year, you’ll need to keep up your monthly instalments to receive your insurance as your part of the agreement. If you fall behind with payments, you’ll typically receive warning letters, but if you don’t get back on track your insurer might cancel your policy. Non-disclosure of information pertaining to your insurance could also bring your policy to an end. If you aren’t truthful with your provider about previous claims on motor insurance and they find out, they’ll have good grounds to cancel. Finally, fraudulent behaviour, such as a parent taking out a policy on behalf of their child to secure a lower premium, could cause your insurer to cancel your cover.

Although this will make it more difficult to acquire car insurance and will raise the premiums you’ll pay, it’s a far better approach as the law states that it’s your responsibility as a customer to be careful and honest with all information they provide.

Where can I get car insurance without a licence?

It’s illegal to drive a car in the UK without a valid driver’s licence and most car insurance providers will make this a basic requisite for being accepted for a policy.

If you are learning to drive and have only a provisional licence, you must still be insured to drive. If you learn through a driving school or registered instructor, this will be arranged for you, whereas if you’re learning with a family member, they can add a “learning to drive” addition to their own policy for a fee.

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Can a car insurance company refuse to insure you?

It’s entirely up to a car insurance company who they opt to offer insurance to. There may sometimes be a valid reason why an insurance provider may decide to refuse your application, or even attempt to charge you higher premiums than other drivers seeking a policy.

How Can I Get Cheaper Car Insurance?

We have previously looked at the factors that affect how your car insurance premium is calculated, but in this article, we explore some of the ways that you can reduce your premium and still have complete peace of mind on the roads.

1. Consider Payment Options

Where you can, paying for your policy in one go tends to be cheaper than paying in instalments.

You can choose to pay monthly or annually for your insurance. Paying monthly can help you spread out the cost, but by paying monthly you will most likely be charged interest.

If you do need to pay monthly, be sure to compare insurers’ monthly premiums rather than annual. You should also consider the interest rates, APR, cost of credit and the total cost including interest to give you a fair basis of comparison.

Watch Out For Extras

Policy extras can be valuable to each driver, but you don’t want to pay extra for what you don’t need.

Some extras will be worth paying for if they are important to you, but you should think carefully about what you do and don’t need. Remember to shop around for extras as well - especially if they come at no additional cost.

Increase the Security of Your Car

The harder it is to steal your car, the less of a risk it is, meaning it will likely be cheaper to insure. Most cars made after 1997 have an engine immobiliser and alarm fitted, but increasing the security of your car above the standard manufacturer level can also be impactful on the price you pay for insurance.

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How long does it take to become a crypto trader

There is no specific time frame that can be given for it. Every single trader is unique and possesses their own distinct set of learning capabilities. So it depends. There is no one correct response that can be given to this question. Having said that, it is preferable to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Because an individual's level of knowledge and expertise is the primary factor that determines the amount of money they make in trading in the market.

Turning crypto trading into a full-time profession

Being a full-time trader is a dream profession for many. What’s better than waking up in your pajamas, making more money in two hours than you make in a week at your day job and being able to afford Rolex’s and Lamborghini’s?

Understanding trading

Most people will go from step 1 to step 3 and lose the game before it’s even started.

How to be a full time trader and the risks involved

After consistently outperforming the income from my day job and frequently making more money trading while still there, I decided it was time to quit and become a full-time trader. It was a hard decision.

Trading takes planning and strategy

Becoming a full time trader is a challenging journey of endurance. There are easy aspects like the enjoyment of being your own boss and not having to commute, but there are many difficult aspects as well like learning to hyper-manage your own money, being strictly disciplined, and understanding that full time trading is a long-term game of survival.

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The importance of Car Insurance

There are quite a few reasons to opt for an insurance policy for your car. To start things with, the law makes it mandatory for all car owners to have insurance on them always. If you do not buy a car insurance policy and are caught driving without one, be ready to pay hefty fines.

In the event of an accident, the policy will pay for all third party injuries and damages. Thereby ensuring that you do not pay anything from your pockets. The policy will also protect your vehicle in the event of any damages or repairs needed. The plan will also cover any legal expenses if there are any.

1. Third Party Injuries/Damages

THIRD PARTY LIABILITY POLICY offers protection for expenses that arise due to damages or injuries to third party individuals or properties. If a policyholder meets with an accident that involves pedestrians or other vehicles or even properties, the policy has their back. The policy will pay for the repair bills or even hospital bills, which were caused by the accident. If you do not have insurance, you will end up paying all these expenses from your pocket. Which can easily vaporise your savings. Having a valid policy can save you from such situations.

2. Mandated By The Law

The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 makes it mandatory for all vehicle owners to have insurance to legally drive their cars. And if you are caught driving without insurance or with expired insurance, some hefty fines are waiting for you. If you are caught driving without insurance multiple times, your licence might even get cancelled or suspended.

Protect Your Car

A comprehensive insurance plan offers the benefits of a third party coverage plan and offers coverage for own damage. The own damages can include damages due to natural calamities such as earthquakes, cyclones, typhoons, etc. or even man-made calamities such as terrorism, strikes, theft, vandalism, etc. Your insurance provider will cover such damages.

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