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Taylor Swift Was Sued By One Playground in UTAH State.

Taylor Swift earned praise from her fans for releasing the album Evermore. However, apparently the album brought its own problems for him.

A theme park in Utah, United States named Evermore, sued Taylor Swift because it was considered to confuse potential visitors and harm their business.

Pitchfork reported, the playground felt aggrieved because the keyword 'Evermore' in Google search changed to be directed at Taylor Swift's album and not to the place they manage.

The lawsuit was filed earlier this week in Utah District Court, United States. Playground management claims, many visitors questioned whether they collaborated with Taylor Swift because the album's title is the same as the name of the place.

Through the lawsuit, the Evermore theme park demanded millions of USD in compensation and legal fees.

According to Taylor Swift's team of attorneys, they consider the lawsuit made up. In a letter they sent to the court, the representative of the Exile singer said that everything related to Taylor Swift's album, including the merchandise that is being traded, is very different from the design of the playground.

Taylor Swift's team of attorneys also hit back and said there were numerous lawsuits that several companies had filed against Evermore and its owner, Ken Bretschneider.

"According to Utah Business, as of June 2020, there are at least five demands that have been filed on Bretschneider and the Evermore group of construction companies, including Sunrocm AGC Drywall & Construction, Geneva Rock, Mountain Point Landscaping, EME Mechanical, Creative Woodworks and NFH Distributing," Taylor Swift's representative told Pitchfork.

"They owe millions of dollars in construction, mechanical and landscaping costs to unpaid workers," he continued.

Evermore is Taylor Swift's ninth album which was released on December 11, 2020. Previously, in the same year he also released Folklore.